Tuesday, July 21, 2009

You guys heard Neyo fr Florida - Be on You? Wah sensous hiphop number, very very explosive almost sexual track that makes me wanting Ne Yo fucking me twice and Florida to wine and dine with me. Sweating lah this song. So today is my last day in the bloody cheapo hotel where everyone is too good for everyone. Dear dumb blog, so its like this - I AM LEAVING HERE AND I WILL BE WORKING THERE! Basically, I won't be around which is good, I mean thats what I've always wanted to do. The boss told me it will be anytime this week but cibai oo nyia, didnt call me to update the neccessary. Secretly it is kinda fine too because I am not ready to leave THAT SOON. I mean I still got so many people to do and so many things to see.


Christine said...

"I mean I still got so many people to do and so many things to see" .. fuh lah lah... :) *wink*

Rosalind said...

aih....gonna miss this blog.